Monday, June 16, 2008

The story - 4

The Pied Piper of Hamlin ain’t no folklore. He is real. But you don’t believe me, do you? Paulson says that no one believed him when he told ‘em about el-Dorado, but see now, see… they believe him aw’right, they let him free; they let him be free. But they ain’t believing me, they think I’m all lies. But they’ll believe me soon enough.

I ain’t afraid for myself. I ain’t afraid for this city. I ain’t afraid for them people. Them people won’t pay now, but they’ll pay soon enough. Hehe… they think they’re so smart, don’t they? But we’ll see who’s really smart.

I’m just afraid for the kids. But I can’t be sorry for ‘em. No, of course I ain’t got nothing to do with ‘em. I just look at things and tell ‘em to act ‘fore it’s too late. But damn ‘em , damn ‘em cause they don’t wanna read the signs. You thought the Grimm’s were jokin’ when they wrote those funny li’ll stories, didn’t ya? You thought they were kid stories, they were what-is –that-they-call-it, yeah parables and all, right?

Well those Grimm brothers and those Canterbury guys weren’t up-to no jokes, that’s for sure.

I have seen the Pied Piper of Hamlin. He ain’t got no pipe, he ain’t pied, and he surely ain’t just from Hamlin. But he’s the Pied Piper of Hamlin. And this time he’s back with a vendetta. He does good but then we mock him. Go on, mock him, mock him all you like, mock him and see what happens. He’ll be back in your face, bang! But wait, I got news for you.

He’s already at work.

Hah!!! I love it when you look confused. I love it when you guys look loony and us the sane. I love that smirk on my face, that stupid laughter Branson conjures up, that bunny who ran down the tunnel, that princess who dozed off on chewing an apple, that prince who turned into a frog, that monarch who lost his kingdom for the sake of a nail, that sultan who killed his own son, that horse who flew, that girl who fell for a bull, that city which fell for a woman. I love them for they are my world now. I love them for they became my world the day that Piper from Hamlin decided that the rats were taken care of; it was time for the children.

You know, he ain’t the villain. No, he ain’t; he’s the anti-hero, the guy who would’ve been a hero if them parents had paid attention to his clauses. The children thought they were going to a world where they’d find eternal springs, where there’s the fountain of youth, where J.M. Barrie’s Neverland existed, where li’ll critters would play with ‘em till they’d forget the misery of missing their parents. But the sparkle would lead them to a cave in a mountain. And a cave which ain’t no tunnel leads straight down, into Hell’s own kitchen.

I know, you folks are smart enough to figure out how this one’s gonna end. I ain’t goin’ nowhere, I got nowhere to go. I’m stayin' here, in Loonsville. I just wish that I were smart enough to know then how it would end; that when the Pied Piper played, I would forever be trapped in his stupid tune. I know not everyone ends up in Hell’s kitchen, but the number of ‘em who do, you’d be surprised to know. Where am I? Well not exactly roastin’ on a spit for Mr. D-evil to dine on, no sir. I’m in limbo. But most folks you’d know of are lucky enough to make it to the purgatory and back. And guess what? The treatment here’s the same ol’ Pied Piper playing the same ol’ tune which got me here in the first place.

I guess I wasn’t smart enough to stop myself in time. That and the accident got me here. The shrink said I took it on the head. But that wasn’t no accident. No, that was my punishment. Once you get hooked to the tunes of ol’ Hamlin, you ain’t gonna give up easy.

But the funny part is, watchin’ the news makes me feel it ain’t much better out there in your free world either; especially for those kids down South in Africa.

AK-47 s?


What else is the eager beaver from Hamlin gonna dish out from his hat? I guess ‘em poor kids have enough on their minds already, don’t ya?

Well who am I to complain? I had my day under the sun and blew it. To tell you the truth, it ain’t that bad here either. Only the Hamlin fellow gets on my nerves sometimes.

What’s that he sings…

“London bridge is falling down…”

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